Throughout the course, students apply IT-based strategies and develop a project plan to solve specific problems and define and analyze system and software requirements.
A/V Technology and Film Careers
A/V Technology and Film Careers is an elective that gives students in grades 9-12 an overview of the film industry. Throughout the semester, students explore the history of film, discover technology and techniques used in production, and examine the steps involved in pre and post-production. The elective also introduces students to a variety of careers available within the film industry.
Before the semester ends, students experience what it’s like to produce their own (simple) independent film. Access to a video camera is not required; however, access to free video editing software is beneficial.
Careers in Allied Health
Within each job type, students explore important aspects applicable to the entire field of allied health, such as behaving ethically, working as a team, keeping patients safe and free from infections and germs, honoring diverse needs of diverse patients, and following laws and policies.
Career Explorations II
Each of the five units introduces one particular field and explains its past, present, and future. These units include Information Technology, Introduction to Information Support and Services, Introduction to Network Systems, Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, and Introduction to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The goal is to whet students’ appetites for these careers. Students can then explore that career in more detail as a high school student.
Act Test Prep
The course begins with an orientation unit that includes test tips before moving to specific content on the tests in English, math, reading, science, and writing.
Physical Education
Access to a gym or track is ideal, as coursework also includes mile-long walks and runs, workouts with balls and other exercise equipment, and a series of 10 activities or drills to be completed by the student. Second semester coursework requires students to keep six three-week exercise logs as they complete their coursework.
Career Explorations I
Units include Career Management, Introduction to Careers in Health Sciences, Hospitality and Tourism Systems, Human Services, and Consumer Services. The goal is to whet students’ appetites for these careers. Students can then explore that career in more detail as a high school student.
Introduction to Information Technology Support and Services
Throughout the course, students analyze technical support needs to perform customer service and configuration management activities. Students also evaluate application software packages and emerging software. Students demonstrate and apply knowledge of IT analysis and design by initiating a system project and evaluating applications within the IT system.
Introduction to Network Systems
The course explores the software and hardware supporting LANs, WANs, and Wi-Fi networks. Students are introduced to the protocols in the TCP/IP stack that are used to communicate across a network, and to networking hardware, including hubs, switches, bridges, routers, and transmission media. Students explore questions of security, network management, and network operating systems.
Fundamentals of Programming and Software Development
Students also learn the function of key program techniques including if statements, looping, and arrays, as well as web development using HTML and drag-and-drop development of user interfaces in an integrated development environment. Students explore the software development life cycle and different variations used to create software.