Academic Counselor
MA School Counseling (Morningside College)
BA Home Economics Education (Westmar College)
Laurel Klaassen is an academic counselor, working with students, families, and staff at Calvert Academy. Her educational experience has included working with students as both a school counselor and as a classroom teacher.
“Any time I can connect with students is by far my most enjoyable part of my workday,” she said.
Klaassen was born in northwest Iowa as one of 6 children in her family. She is proud to come from a family of educators, as her mother was an elementary teacher and three of her siblings currently work in schools. She and her husband have three adult daughters. Her hobbies include spending time with her granddaughter, sewing, cooking, and reading.
Favorites: Mexican food and podcasts from Collin Kartchner, Screenagers, The Holderness Family, and How to Talk to Kids About Anything
Three words to describe herself: Adventurous, kind, and authentic
Alternative career choice: Motivational speaker
Person she’d most like to meet: Franklin Graham. After going on a mission trip with Samaritan’s Purse, I read Franklin Graham’s story. The work he has been a part of amazes me.
Bucket list item: I would love to own a camper and travel to places off the beaten path.
Unknown gem: I have been a contributing author for activity books that accompany children’s books by Julia Cook.